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피플게이트 Peoplegate

Perusahaan Ramah Lingkungan Netral Karbon 'di:hum', Memperluas Pasokan Penyerap Kelembapan Kertas Alami

  • Bahasa penulisan: Bahasa Korea
  • Negara referensi: Amerika Serikat country-flag

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Teks yang dirangkum oleh AI durumis

  • di:hum adalah perusahaan yang mengembangkan penyerap kelembapan kertas ramah lingkungan yang mengatasi masalah silica gel konvensional, dan digunakan dalam berbagai bidang seperti fashion, peralatan rumah tangga, obat-obatan, dan lainnya.
  • Terutama menarik perhatian dengan bahan dan metode produksi yang ramah lingkungan, dan memegang paten penyerap kelembapan kertas satu-satunya di Korea.
  • di:hum mengejar pertumbuhan berkelanjutan melalui model bisnis ramah lingkungan, dan setelah mendapatkan paten pada tahun 2021, saat ini telah mengamankan permintaan yang kuat dari perusahaan menengah dan besar mode dan distribusi di Korea.

Carbon neutral, pursuing a green business that solves global environmental problems, de:hum (de:hum, CEO Lim Ji-sung), a company that makes "eco-friendly paper desiccant," has recently attracted attention.

di:hum_Penyerap Kelembapan Kertas

di:hum_Penyerap Kelembapan Kertas

With the slogan "No Room For Moisture" = "There is no room for moisture anymore," de:hum (de:hum) is developing and producing "paper desiccant" and is also a nature-friendly business that pursues ESG management philosophy and directly implements its goals with its clients.

de:hum is a company that specializes in creating "paper desiccants (Paper Desiccant Patent Granted)" that consider the environment and people, supplementing the problems of existing silica gels, and set it as its first project.

Starting with the establishment of "Yu Shining," a clothing accessories company, in 2001, it began supplying paper desiccants to clothing companies in 2015 and acquired a patent for paper desiccants in 2021.

Currently, the eco-friendly paper desiccant developed by de:hum (de:hum) is widely used in various fields, including the fashion sector, home appliances and electrical facilities, pharmaceuticals and food.

de:hum (de:hum) has participated in product development for several years as part of its E.S.G (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices, installed a domestic production line for eco-friendly paper desiccants, and is actively responding to the overwhelming demand for paper desiccants by recently pursuing ISO certification.

de:hum's (de:hum) eco-friendly paper desiccant is in high demand from mid-sized fashion and distribution companies that are actively participating in the development of eco-friendly products, including Sejong, K2, DISCOVERY, GREEN YAK, EIDER, LIFE WORK, W.ANGLE, DESCENTE, SISLEY, NORDISK, HYUNDAI, and PIRETT.

de:hum (de:hum), which means "catching moisture," was established with the goal of researching and developing eco-friendly household products, and focuses on developing specialized products that are environmentally friendly among everyday consumables.

de:hum's (de:hum) paper desiccant features ▲Eco-Friendly: Environmentally conscious product where both the packaging and the desiccant are naturally biodegradable ▲Patented: The only product in Korea to obtain a patent for paper desiccant ▲Harmless: Using wood pulp as raw material, it is harmless to the human body and free from contamination by foreign matter ▲Competitive: Manufacturing process automation and patented technology to significantly reduce product cost ▲Sustainable: Reducing carbon emissions and eliminating unnecessary plastic and water usage ▲Excellent Performance: Excellent dehumidifying performance, 3-4 times higher compared to silica gel on a 1:1 basis.

The company develops products that minimize harmful ingredients to the human body and are naturally biodegradable when disposed of, and distributes them to B2B2C companies and consumers, including clothing, fashion goods, food, and pharmaceuticals.

In particular, the cover of de:hum's (de:hum) paper desiccant is made of eco-friendly biodegradable PLA material, not the existing PE breathable film, and will return to nature through biodegradation when disposed of. de:hum has acquired patents and utility models related to these developed products.

Lim Ji-sung, CEO of de:hum (de:hum), said, "As eco-friendliness emerges as a keyword in all industries, silica gel absorbent used in industrial products in various fields is gradually being replaced with 'eco-friendly paper desiccants.' Already, major fashion brands with a focus on eco-friendly businesses are using paper desiccants with their own brand logos. In addition, paper desiccants are being used widely in food products such as seasoned seaweed and dried seafood that need to be kept as dry as possible, as well as home appliances and medical supplies. Eco-friendly paper desiccants are becoming one of the categories of everyday essentials, and demand is expected to increase with expanded usage."

Meanwhile, de:hum (de:hum) is a company separately established from Yu Shining, a specialized developer of eco-friendly fashion accessories, for the development and production of paper desiccants.

■ Introduction to Yu Shining's Eco-Friendly Material Development

■ Inquiry: / 031-593-5570, 02-491-7928

피플게이트 Peoplegate
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